Winner Takes All: The Ultimate Debate between Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing
Digital is the new way of living. At least, generation Y and Z say so. But for the millennial and baby boomers, traditional is still alive and competing.
How Much Are Free Books Really Worth?
Admit it, you fantasize. Don’t be shy, we all do.
Publishing help for indie authors
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The Anatomy of Books that Don’t Sell (Plus Tips on How to Make Them Better)
Sway to the music and sing to the tune, “Celebrate good times, come on.
How You Know It’s Time To Get Published
(By Sasa Calunod)
You write a book, finish it, then get published. Simple, right? Wrong. Timing is everything. It’s a pretty used up line, but it is true for all things. -
4 Facebook Page Tips for Authors (that will help you dominate the internet)
Facebook pages allow authors, whether mainstream, indie, or self-published, to connect with readers on the social network they use most.
Don’t Go Out in Public Naked: How to Nail Your Book Cover by Avoiding These Mistakes
You see that woman sitting to the side at the executive meeting discussing company financials and strategies to increase profitability next quarter? The one who looks like she’s struggling
Yes, you should use KDP select – here’s why (using your free promo days to launch your book marketing).
Free giveaways are the two-handed sword of indie book promotion; it’s the secret advantage that we have over traditionally published authors and the ideal way to launch your book.
Sell More Books by Publishing Series
Many of the bestselling books of all time are part of a series—more than one book to tell a more epic tale (think Harry Potter).
The reason for this is obvious. -
10 ways you can use Fiverr.com to sell more books (The $100 dollar marketing plan)
Self-publishing authors need to worry about a ton of things.
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- Book Editing Mistakes You’ll Regret (read before you self-publish)
- Book Marketing Strategies to sell 50,000 books (self-promotion for authors)